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Essential Troubleshooting Tips to Rectify Common NBN Issues

NBN (National Broadband Network) is a new telecom network that is known for delivering fast and reliable broadband to businesses and home users in Australia. It is a project funded by the Federal Government to ‘future-proof’ Australian homes and business by replacing the outdated internet connection with new superfast broadband service. The major reason why people are switching to NBN from ADSL is the speed. Where ADSL has a maximum download speed of 24Mbps, NBN can offer speed up to 100Mbps. Many Australians have already connected to this service while plenty of them are still waiting to come on board. If you want to know when your neighborhood will have NBN connection, please contact your business NBN provider today.

However, if you have already signed in to NBN, then you must be expecting a fast internet connection. What if for some reason you are facing NBN slow down issue? Yes, it is quite frustrating, especially when you are using NBN for business in Australia, but you are not the only one who is facing this issue. There are many factors responsible for the NBN slowdown issue. We can work out on these factors to get the problem fixed.

The Most Common NBN Issues Faced by Australians
One of the most common issues is definitely the speed of the network. But apart from these, there are issues like connection delay, unusable internet and problems related to the phone system. Let us understand these issues and their causes in detail:

· Network Congestion: This is the most common reason behind the slow speed of the connection. This mostly happens in peak hours when a large number of people are using the internet for surfing, streaming, downloading and other works. You need ISPs to find out the expected speed in the peak hours.

· FTTN Area: If you are in FTTN (Fibre to the Node) area, the distance from the node can hamper the speed and performance of the plan. The copper wire, their poor condition and the distance they need to carry the internet can reduce the internet speed.

· The Speed Tier You Use: Using a Wi-Fi speed tier that is not enough for your home can degrade the speed. For example, if a lot of devices are connected to the same network, they will fight for the bandwidth, reducing the speed.

Guidelines to Troubleshoot NBN Issues
If you are experiencing the slow speed due to network congestion of your NBN plan, then please talk to your business NBN provider to revise or upgrade your plan. However, if the problem arises due to FTTN, then find out how far away from the nodes can be appropriate. You can also replace the poor quality of copper wires with a good one to improve the speed.

· Select the correct plan as per the speed tier or the amount of data you get. The cheaper the plan, the more likely you are going to face the issue.

· It is possible that there is no problem with the NBN connection, instead, you are getting the issue because of the way your Wi-Fi or router is setup at your place. Not only this, but your house structure can also affect the Wi-Fi signals.

· Sometimes the network connection issue takes place because of some serious issues outside your home. In such a case, you need to contact your ISP as they only can help you in such situation.

GenesysTel is a reliable NBN provider who also offers hosted solutions in Australia. You can contact us for any issue related to your NBN network. We always take care of our customer’s needs and make sure that they are not facing any issue.

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