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Never Lack on your Internet Speed- Read these steps to Improve Your Business Internet Connection

Digital is the new marketing. Taking your business online is only the first step; making its digital presence grow faster and better is the ultimate goal. If you are unsatisfied with your current internet speed, it is time to switch to an Internet Service Provider that will find solutions to your troubles and contribute to making your business bigger and better. Here are various ways in which you can improve your business internet plans australia- 


  • Better WiFi connection- Getting a better WiFi connection is probably the simplest way to speed up your online tasks. If working optimally, WiFi can be extremely fast. However, cheap and old routers with weak antenna connections and a limited range can decrease the speed of your internet drastically. All you need to do is get a more powerful router and make sure it is placed close to you. The more the distance between you and the router, the slower will be your connection. 

  • Keep up with the technology- Usage of the outdated or corrupted device can be a major contributor to slower internet speeds. The connections today offer faster speed, which cannot be handled by old computers that are not updated with the latest technology. You must keep updating your devices every few years to be at par with the processing speeds. 

  • Switch to 4GJust in case your internet goes down, you would not be able to afford a loss in your business. Slow or no internet connection should not affect your business’s revenue, productivity, or reputation. You must mitigate this risk with a ‘failover’ backup solution. In case your WiFi connection fails to work, you may switch over to a seamlessly to a 4G connection. Be assured that the broadband failure will have absolutely no impact on your business. 

  • Access controls remotely- With the advancement in cloud technology, you can have a virtual staff for your business who will solve your queries remotely. Thanks to the growing world of information technology, having an in-house IT staff is not a necessity. You just need to manage your routers through the cloud and the entire network will be controlled from the head office. This will also lessen the amount of labor involved and minimize your expenses. 

  • Latest broadband infrastructure- The quality of the connection cable highly impacts the broadband speeds. You can use EFM, MBE, Fibre 400, or Fibre 1000 data cable connections for better internet connectivity. On top of this, using NBN or ADSL connection provided by your internet service provider would help you with the best business broadband deals australia and bring a difference to your business. 

Genesystel, a telecom service reseller can offer you all this and much more. Genesystel provides you with the services of Voice, Data and Office Phone systems for small business at the most economical rates. The latest technology with NBN, ADSL, and Hosted PABX solutions are tailored and brought to you at reasonable prices. Genesystel’s Complete Solution package will solve all your business internet queries. Hosted PABX takes away the massive upfront investment and provides you bundled solutions that work as all-rounders for your business. 

Website: genesystel.com.au 

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